Meet Jen
A Little About Me...

Hi, I’m Jen!  I am a mom, educator, and an introvert. I can teach math to a room full of people but I absolutely freeze when faced with a camera (lol)! Nine years ago, I was introduced to the world of wellness via essential oils and I’ve never been the same. 

I was your typical skeptic, I thought oils were a hoax and anyone who claimed they “helped” was crazy. It wasn’t until my sister in law invited me over and showed me the power of these incredible wellness products, namely essential oils, that my perspective completely changed.

The products not only worked, but they worked WELL for my family and I. WE WERE SHOCKED!

Today, I am passionate about educating others on the importance of ditching the toxins in their home on a budget! Stick around, I’d love to help build a wellness plan that works for YOU and show you the power of these amazing quality wellness products. I can’t wait to watch them help you and your family like they did mine. 

So how does this help you now?  I've been in the network marketing & affiliate marketing business for almost a decade. I've already gone through the struggle. I've figured out the process, broken it down, and have shortcuts that can help you earn extra income if that's your jam.

Shy Sapphire
The blend of being introverted by nature yet beneath the façade lies a wealth of inner strength, loyalty and honest wisdom. 
Honestly, being a shy, introverted adult, I shied away from all the "side hustles". I didn't want to put myself out there, I hated the thought of being the slimy salesman who badgered people. That was not me and that was never going to BE me. 

As much as I love to shop, I knew from a customer standpoint, that a person only needed so much jewelry, tote bags, kitchen gadgets, and clothes. I loved supporting small businesses but I knew it wouldn't work for me on a business level, because I would constantly need to talk to more strangers to find new customers. NOPE, no thank you!

Even companies that offer consumable products, while it is a better market as people will purchase more often...most women still don't buy makeup every single month, or personal care products, or home cleaners/fragrance. I wanted nothing to do with the sales world...until I was introduced to something better, something smarter, and something that changed my life!

What would make a difference to help you breathe a little easier each month? $50? $500? $1,000? $5,000?
Whatever your goal is, we can work together to help you reach it!


Copyright Jen Nikolic 2024